Because well, every skin is unique and deserve care curated just for it!
It’s no secret that the key to healthy and youthfully glowing skin lies in a perfect skincare regime. The more suitable the product ingredients are to your skin, the more benefits you will reap from your usual AM – PM routine. While all skin types benefit from gentle cleansing, toning and moisturizing, it is still of utmost importance to determine your skin type before adding the most tempting skincare products to your cart. Choosing the right products for your skin will not only keep adverse reactions like skin irritation and redness at bay but also help protect your skin from external and internal aggressors.
Skin types you need to know about
When it comes to skincare, there’s no one shoe size fits all. That’s why you need to know which category your skin belongs to. So, here’s what you need to know! For starters, there are five skin types – normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive. By understanding what category your skin falls under, can start to make informed decisions for your skincare regime.
How to determine your skin type
Determining your skin type based on common characteristics can be quite difficult. Here’s a simple home test that can help you get there. All you need to do is wash your face with a cleanser and pat dry. Then wait for about half an hour. If your face starts to greasy, you have oily skin, if it starts to get itchy or scaly, your skin is dry, if it’s only oily over the T-zone area, you probably have combination skin, and if your skin is absolutely comfortable without being oily, then well, you’re gifted with normal skin.
Get started with the perfect skincare regime
Once you are aware of your skin type, make sure to check the suitability section as you purchase your products. Ingredients also play an important role in ensuring your ideal skincare regime. If you have sensitive skin, avoid products with SLS or alcohol. Similarly, for dry skin make sure to stay away from harsh scrubbing agents. And for oily skin, avoid oil blends that may clog your pores and make way for products with lavender, patchouli, and camellia oil that come with miraculous skin benefits!
Once you understand your skin, the best way to choose the right products is through research. Read up on what will best suit your skin type, the ingredients present in your preferred products, and customer reviews. And, once you start with your skincare regime, give your products time to reflect the desired results! The key is patience and persistence with that routine.